Stand Tall: Mastermind 2024

Developed by Benjamin Franklin in 1727, a Mastermind is a small group focused on achieving each individual’s personal and business goals.

What is a Mastermind?

Mastermind Benefits

  1. Collective Intelligence: Unlock the power of diverse perspectives and expertise to generate innovative solutions.

  2. Accountability & Support: Stay motivated and on track through mutual encouragement and accountability.

  3. Expanded Mindset: Broaden your horizons and challenge your assumptions with fresh insights from group members.

Accountability and Support

Mutual Encouragement
Mastermind members rally behind each other, offering encouragement, motivation, and accountability to help everyone stay on track and reach their goals.

Problem-Solving Sessions
The group brainstorms solutions to challenges, leveraging diverse perspectives to uncover new possibilities.

Expanded Perspective
Masterminds expose members to diverse viewpoints, challenging their assumptions and broadening their horizons. This cross-pollination of ideas sparks creativity, uncovers new possibilities, and empowers participants to approach challenges from fresh, innovative angles.

Mastermind Benefits

Rapid Skill Development
Masterminds accelerate learning by exposing members to new ideas and best practices from diverse experts and experienced professionals.

Exponential Momentum
With the group's support and accountability, Mastermind participants experience dramatic breakthroughs and achieve their goals faster than they could alone.

Compounding Results
The synergistic effects of a Mastermind lead to compounding results, as members capitalize on each other's successes and insights.

2024 Mastermind Dates

  • Dream it.

    Saturday, 22 June 2024

    9:00am-11:00am PT
    10:00am-12:00p MT
    11:00am-1:00pm CT
    12:00pm-2:00pm ET

  • Build it.

    Saturday, 13 July 2024

    9:00am-11:00am PT
    10:00am-12:00p MT
    11:00am-1:00pm CT
    12:00pm-2:00pm ET

  • Grow it.

    Saturday, 17 August 2024

    9:00am-11:00am PT
    10:00am-12:00p MT
    11:00am-1:00pm CT
    12:00pm-2:00pm ET

  • Refine it.

    Saturday, 14 September 2024

    9:00am-11:00am PT
    10:00am-12:00p MT
    11:00am-1:00pm CT
    12:00pm-2:00pm ET

  • Share It!

    Saturday, 12 October 2024

    9:00am-11:00am PT
    10:00am-12:00p MT
    11:00am-1:00pm CT
    12:00pm-2:00pm ET

  • Celebrate!

    Saturday, 2 November 2024

    9:00am-11am PT
    10:00am-12:00p MT
    11:00am-1:00pm CT
    12:00pm-2:00pm ET

The Cost

This Mastermind is $78/month for six months or a one-time dontationn of $397

All donations are tax-deductible and support the ministry of Avalon Chapel of Colorado, a 501(c)3. No proceeds go to salary or individuals.

The Book

The purchase of “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is not included in your donation. This book was initially published in 1937 and can be found at your favorite book or used book store.