Mastermind 2024

Your donation signs you up for Mastermind 2024. Please complete all fields to add you to the Mastermind 2024 email distro list.

Participation is based on a donation of $397 or $78 per month for six months

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Avalon Chapel of Colorado is a charitable organization as described in 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN#: 93-3301559, registered in the state of Colorado. In accordance with the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, Avalon Chapel of Colorado maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds. All donations are non-refundable. No goods or services were provided in return for any contribution. Contributions are tax-deductible to the limit allowed by law. Donors will be emailed a contribution statement for their annual donations by January of the following year. If you have any questions regarding your donation(s) or need a copy of your contribution statement, please feel free to contact us at